Data Exchange, a must-have capability

Data Exchange technology is at the heart of innovation and of new business models creation empowering organizations to source, commercialize, exchange data and create data ecosystems.

Why Data Exchange?

In every industry, the ability of organizations to exchange data internally and externally is a powerful enabler to solving business challenges driven by rapidly evolving customer needs, critical societal and environmental changes.

With the explosive growth of data supply and demand, smart use of internal and external data is essential to maximize value creation by improving efficiency and productivity, fostering innovation, generating direct and indirect revenue streams and increasing company value. Data Exchanges, Corporate Data Hubs, Industry Data Exchanges, data sharing and Data Marketplaces accelerate and facilitate data circulation amongst many stakeholders, allowing them to source, distribute, share, exchange and commercialize data securely, in full compliance with data regulations.

In line with your business goals and data strategy, Dawex Data Exchange technology allows you to deploy open data, free or monetized business models and multiple use cases including internal data exchange, data sourcing, free data sharing, open data, data monetization and data marketplace orchestration between customers, suppliers, partners, subsidiaries and many other organizations within your ecosystem and beyond. Dawex Data Exchange technology adds powerful governance, security and traceability layers to help organizations industrialize and scale data exchange activities. It also supports various data exchange models, from managed to decentralized to hybrid, that will meet your data exchange requirements and adapt to your infrastructure precisely.

Data Exchange is a must-have capability for organizations seeking to become truly data-driven —improving efficiency, generating new direct and indirect revenue streams, mitigating risks, increasing company value and ultimately creating a competitive advantage within their ecosystem and beyond.

Why now?

Data Exchange, Corporate Data Hubs, Industry Data Exchanges and Data Marketplaces are now clearly top of the agenda of an increasing number of corporations, public institutions and governments around the world.

Facts speak for themselves:

  • Leading corporations and industry consortiums are launching and operating specialized Corporate Data Hubs, Industry Data Exchanges, data marketplaces, data sharing or data exchange platforms with a vertical and/or regional focus
  • Government-funded initiatives for the deployment of organized data marketplaces serving private and public stakeholders are multiplying
  • Countries and supranational institutions are adopting new regulations to facilitate the flow of data across organizations, while protecting data owners (EU GDPR, EU Free flow of non-personal data, California Consumer Privacy Act, the European Data Governance Act, the Data Act…)
  • Associations grouping public and private organizations are defining new frameworks for data exchanges and monetization to facilitate interoperability and build trust among data acquirers and providers

The Data Exchange award-winning technology

Dawex is committed to delivering the most advanced, sophisticated and complete data exchange solutions and technology to accelerate and facilitate data circulation amongst public and private organizations worldwide.

Our data exchange technology is uniquely positioned as the leading solution on the market -and will remain so in the future- thanks to:

  • Our clear market vision and connection to thousands of organizations already using our products on a daily basis
  • Our continuous investments in researching the latest advancements in technology, data science and security
  • Years of collaboration and contribution to European and international institutions and associations advancing data exchange policies

Takuya Hirai, Minister for Digital Transformation, Government of Japan.

World Economic Forum, Data for Common Purpose Initiative Announcement, Dec 2020

“Data exchanges can help people and societies get the most out of the digital age, unlocking value, driving economic growth and spreading the benefits more equitably. The Japanese government has been actively exploring the adoption of data exchanges and welcomes this important new global initiative.”

Data Exchange Platform, uplifting your data ecosystem

A data exchange platform where organizations can orchestrate data circulation by sourcing, distributing and exchanging data with their ecosystem. The solution supports multiple data exchange use cases, free or monetized, including internal data sharing, data sourcing, free data sharing, data monetization and data marketplace orchestration.

A collaborative engagement to foster the development of trustworthy data ecosystems

Trust drives collaboration and cements the relationship between parties engaged in a data transaction. Building trust is critical to foster a strong, resilient data economy

In order to accelerate the emergence of data exchange standards, and contribute to the development of trusted and interoperable data exchange ecosystems, Dawex along with German research organization Fraunhofer ISST and TNO, co-proposed an official European Committee for Standardization workshop program on Trusted Data Transaction relying on the recognized European Committee for Standardization. 

The European Committee for Standardization workshop program on Trusted Data Transaction is a critical milestone to align stakeholders behind a common normative baseline that will help accelerate data exchanges across organizations, industries and geographies.

The outcomes resulting from the collective work will serve all the use cases where stakeholders need to establish trust for the purpose of data exchange and interconnection of data exchanges.

A group of experts and practitioners from the corporate world, research organizations and academia are joining the Trusted Data Transaction pre-standardization program to ultimately provide guiding principles to organizations looking at building strong data ecosystems in a trustworthy data economy.

Inspiration comes from peers

In today’s economy data has become a product of unlimited potential, with its own value, and a source of new revenue streams. Data Exchange is now on top of the agenda of a growing number of public and private organizations. Already thousands of organizations rely on Dawex Data Exchange technology to engage with their data ecosystem and gain full potential from data.

All industries can benefit from Data Exchange

In all industries, data exchanges are critical to solving problems that naturally extend beyond enterprise boundaries. Accessing relevant external data and combining them with internal sources create competitive advantage and is a key differentiator of data-savvy organizations. Creating data ecosystems has now become of strategic importance to organizations.

There are use cases for each industry that can be adapted depending on business requirements and challenges.