Active contributions to international research consortium

Impactful workgroups for the development of a trustworthy data economy.

Active contributions to move data exchange forward

Data Exchange and the data economy are growing topics gathering interests from market analysts, global institutions, universities, and public or private organizations. Accordingly, it is crucial to implement the appropriate data policies and accelerate the development of frameworks to fully leverage the benefits of data exchange —empowering organizations to unlock the value of their data, while respecting enforceable laws and regulations. 

As an integral part of its mission, Dawex is engaged in multiple projects and initiatives to shape the future of the global data economy. 

Dawex actively contributes to the evolution, adoption, and implementation of data standards, policies and frameworks to advance the world and benefit society. Dawex acts as board members of several data exchange major initiatives, engages with instituions as a data exchange expert, participates in the development of detailed reports on the impact of ecosystems on our economy, shares its expertise on how to create powerful data spaces and takes part in international conferences and summits. 

World Economic Forum Data Policy work group, a global project to define the data frameworks of tomorrow

The Data Policy work group gathers world-class experts leading the World Economic Forum’s approach to data policy and data governance. Its mission is to help define and implement forward-looking, interoperable, and trustworthy data policies.

Awarded “Tech Pioneer” by the World Economic Forum, appointed Global Innovator and as an active member, Dawex brings its expertise in data exchange to co-design, pilot and scale data policies to fuel innovation and accelerate responsible use of data. Dawex is also a member of the Global Future Council, convening 30 of the most relevant and knowledgeable thought leaders on data. One key achievement is the integration of Data Exchange in the World Economic Forum Transformation Map, a map showcasing the forces that are transforming the data economy.


United Nations Environment Program

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is responsible for coordinating responses to environmental issues within the United Nations system. UNEP is the leading global authority on the environment, driving transformational change by drilling down on the root causes of the triple planetary crisis of climate change, nature & biodiversity loss and pollution.

Dawex has been invited to join the Data Expert group of UNEP in order to contribute to the UN Data Strategy for the Environment by 2025 and scope an integrated, tech-empowered cross-sectoral approach to data optimization, governance and access to meet multilateral environmental goals.


Gaia-X, a federated data infrastructure for Europe

Gaia-X brings together representatives from multiple backgrounds and sectors including politics, business, academics, science and industry. This European association aims to establish an ecosystem, i.e. a federated and secure data infrastructure, whereby data is shared and made available in a trustworthy environment, with the intention to give the control back to the users by retaining sovereignty over their data. Data Exchange is one of the four key pillars defining Gaia-X Federation Services.

Dawex has joined Gaia-X since Day-1 to bring its data exchange expertise and lead the Data Exchange Services Specification working group accepting Gaia-X CTO invitation. Dawex is an active contributor to the association, regularly contributing with new use cases.

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The Data Society Alliance, a Japanese association focused on the realization of a prosperous data society 

Founded in November 2017 as the Data Trading Alliance and supported by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan (METI), the  Data Society Alliance, comprising over 170 member organizations, promotes initiatives to solve data distribution and utilization issues in all fields, and across industries, through collaboration between companies, government, and academia.

Dawex is actively participating in work groups dedicated to Data Free Flow with Trust, specifically to its operationalization, and contributes on the subject of data exchange frameworks, international standards and regulatory matters.


AID, the Association for Data Intermediation

AID, l'Association pour l'Intermédiation de Données - (Association for Data Intermediation) is a French professional association which aims at laying the foundations for a sustainable organization to develop trust, transparency and security in data transactions. The works conducted by the Association will focus on Legal, Technical and Economic matters to foster a strong and trustworthy data economy.

As a founding member of AID, Dawex will actively contribute to the association's work to strengthen trust and security in data exchanges.


TEMS, the trusted european Media data space

TEMS is a consortium gathering 43 organizations, representing hundreds of stakeholders from 14 countries in the cultural & creative sectors, which aims to conceive and implement a common media data space across Europe favoring the economic development and future growth of local and regional media ecosystems. TEMS will also address fighting misinformation, audience analysis, improving data flows in production chains, and supporting the adoption of AI and Virtual Reality technologies. 

Dawex is a member of the consortium and will be delivering its Data Exchange technology to enable data circulation across the entire ecosystem uniting leading media & culture European organizations.


SM4RTENANCE, the Data Space for Manufacturing

SM4RTENANCE is a consortium uniting 47 European organizations aiming at deploying a European Data Space for Manufacturing to federate the industrial ecosystems around data circulation. SM4RTENANCE aims to create a Data Space federation and demonstrate the potential of multilateral digital value chains for collaborative and circular maintenance in the manufacturing industry.

Dawex will lead the development and implementation of data space core services, including data exchange services, to support the federation of multiple data spaces and ensure the alignment with Gaia-X principles.


European Audio Data Space, a trusted data space for podcasts & audio content

The Audio Data Space project aims to develop and deploy a marketplace for cross-border exchanges of audio podcasts in Europe. Audio Data Space enables all media to access reliable and qualified content, improving European citizens' access to trusted audio podcasts.

Dawex is a member of the consortium, made up of 7 partners among leading media sector organizations. Dawex delivers  its Data Exchange technology to create a trusted digital environment for all audio content producers in Europe.

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UPCAST, fostering smooth automation of data exchange agreements

UPCAST project aims at providing a set of universal, trustworthy, transparent, and user-friendly data market plugins for the automation of data exchange and processing agreements between businesses, public administrations and citizens. UPCAST supports the deployment of Common European data spaces by consolidating mature research in the areas of data management, privacy, monetization, exchange and automated negotiation.

Dawex is a member of the consortium, composed of 16 partners. Dawex provides its expertise in Data Exchange and brings to the project its technology for the demonstrators, the test and implementation of UPCAST plugins in real data exchange environments.


DOME, a distributed open marketplace for Europe cloud and edge services

The DOME project aims to develop a comprehensive industrial data ecosystem
in order to create a network of federated marketplaces that are connected to a shared digital catalog of cloud and edge services. DOME is a consortium bringing together 38 organizations engaged in creating an open and distributed portal for data, cloud and edge applications & services. 

Dawex is a consortium member and will implement the DOME framework to connect its Data Exchange technology to the DOME Portal, leveraging the Gaia-X Trust Framework.


CyberSec4Europe, a major European cybersecurity research program

With 43 project partners from 22 different countries CyberSec4Europe developped a governance model for the future European Cybersecurity Competence Network and looked at trialing this model in several technology and innovation activities relevant for progressing Europe’s cybersecurity capabilities. 

Dawex was a board-member and provided its Data Exchange Platform to the project to operate the exchange of medical data.


Data Pitch, a Data & Innovation European accelerator

Data Pitch brought together companies that have shared data, with innovative startups. The project was focused on answering complex technical challenges. A powerful virtual accelerator for SMEs, 47 start-ups from 13 different countries received up to €100,000 in equity free funding.

Dawex was a key member of the consortium, providing its Data Exchange technology to allow the secure and trusted exchange of data between the corporations and startups accelerated by Data Pitch.


Speaking engagements

From CES Unveiled to MIT CDOIQ Symposium to the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos, to G7 Digital & Tech Annual Meeting, and many other events and conferences, Dawex engages with the audience on data exchange strategies, discuss the future developments of the data economy and explore powerful data exchange use cases.

Looking at fostering a powerful data ecosystem?

Data exchange is more and more in the agenda of organizations. To explore how to develop a thorough data exchange strategy and implement a Corporate Data Hub, Industry Data Exchange or a Data Marketplace, get guidance from Dawex experts.