Dawex awarded 'Technology Pioneer' by the World Economic Forum

The World Economic Forum appoints Dawex for its leadership, innovation & impact as a pioneer of the data economy, and invites us to speak at Davos in 2022.

Innovation is critical to the future well-being of Society and to driving economic growth.

Tech Pioneers appointed by the World Economic Forum are involved in the design, development and deployment of groundbreaking new technologies and innovations. Dawex is honored to be counted among those inspirational companies selected based on:

Heavy Social and Business Impact

In 2020, Dawex joins the World Economic Forum two-year program to contribute in designing global Data Policies

Awarded Tech Pioneer, Dawex contributes to the Data Policy platform, a work group leading the World Economic Forum’s approach to data policy and data governance. The aim is to design and deploy innovative policy frameworks fit for the new globally integrated data economy, through a multi-stakeholder process of public-private cooperation. As part of this 2-year program, Dawex is contributing to initiatives, work groups, activities and events around Data Policy and governance, to bring cutting-edge insights and novel perspectives to world-critical discussions, policymakers and private sector leaders to help define the global agenda on key issues.

0"We are very honored to be named Technology Pioneer by the World Economic Forum. It confirms data exchanges are playing a pivotal role in today’s global economy. Being invited to join the Data Policy work group is an acknowledgement of the importance of Dawex mission to create the conditions for the smooth development of the data economy by facilitating the exchange of data between companies and organizations."

Laurent Lafaye, Co-CEO, Dawex

Dawex, member of the Global Future Council - Data Policy

The Global Future Council - Data Policy, convening 30 of the most relevant and knowledgeable thought leaders on data, is dedicated to promoting innovative thinking to shape a more resilient, inclusive and sustainable future. Represented by co-CEO Fabrice Tocco, Dawex participates actively by sharing its vision and expertise on the future of data exchanges and data ecosystems, and how they contribute to solving the world’s most pressing challenges.

In 2022, Dawex invited to speak at a public session in Davos

Dawex has been invited to talk at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos about the rising importance of creating and developing data ecosystems to address the most pressing issues the world is facing. On May 24, Fabrice Tocco engaged into a lively discussion on “Strengthening Trust in Public-Private Data Exchanges” along with Keir Simmons, Senior International Correspondent at NBC News, Lauren Woodman, Executive Director at DataKind, Angela Oduor Lungati, Executive Director at Ushahidi Inc, and Øyvind Eriksen, President and Chief Executive Officer at Aker ASA.

The session addressed how public-private data exchanges for the common good have created more than $20 billion in new value as they have adopted innovative business models, privacy-enhancing technologies and new approaches for strengthening citizen trust.

Why is data exchange recognized as a pioneering technology?

Dawex_picture_Fabrice-Tocco-1"The creation of a Data Policy platform by the World Economic Forum has marked a new milestone for data exchange. It drives public and private organizations to seize the data opportunities and open new business horizons. Data exchange is an innovation enabler and unlocks the value of data, renewing the way public and private organizations collaborate. This is shaping a promising future."

Fabrice Tocco, Co-CEO, Dawex

The rising importance of creating new ecosystems through data exchanges

The agenda of the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos has placed the subject of Data Exchange, Data Ecosystems and Data Sharing as the focus of 4 of its sessions. This is illustrating the ever increasing importance of creating and developing data ecosystems to address the most pressing issues of today’s world. Data exchanges are playing a critical role in today’s global economy.

This recognition of the importance of data exchange by the World Economic Forum highlights the need to:

  • Structure the data economy around common policies, frameworks and standards
  • Position data exchange as a major topic of organizations’ business growth and data valorization
  • Increase data literacy and empower employees, decision makers and citizens to use data in a fruitful way
  • Encourage the constitution of large, multi-sectoral data ecosystems

The benefits brought by a facilitated data circulation are numerous:

  • The importance of data exchange capabilities have been intensified by the crisis context of the pandemic. Organizations need more data to make fast, informed decisions and need to rely on a secure data exchange environment.
  • By breaking down data silos and encouraging all organizations to make their data accessible, data exchange can pave the way for new models of public-private partnerships on an international level.
  • As organizations realized they must have the necessary responsiveness and adaptability to all kinds of future economic challenges, there is an urgent need to build internal capabilities now in order to be data exchange-ready.

Data Exchange, an integral part of the World Economic Forum Data Policy Transformation Map

As a member of the Global Future Council on Data Policy, Dawex contributed to mapping the forces that are transforming the data ecosystem. Throughout the sessions, Data Exchange has been identified as an essential component to be integrated in the transformation map. Data exchange addresses economic, environmental and societal challenges. Data exchange definitely contributes to the development of the data economy for the common goods and towards a better future..

Dawex joining the Global Innovator Community of the World Economic Forum

Dawex sharp vision and recognized expertise on data exchange, data sharing, data marketplaces and data hubs, led it to be invited to speak at the most prestigious international events such as Davos or the G7 Summit. Dawex is now joining the World Economic Forum Global Innovator Community to continue its engagement in contributing to the development of a strong data economy.

Dawex brings recognized world-class data exchange expertise to the World Economic Forum Data Policy platform, and the Global Future Council.

  • Dawex Data Exchange technology supports all business models and use cases of data exchanges, enabling smooth circulation of data between public and private organizations.
  • Dawex offers an easy-to-deploy Data Exchange technology solution for private orchestration of data ecosystems.
  • Dawex already contributes to data consortiums and associations at European and International level, bringing know-how and expertise on Data Exchange and Data Governance topics.

“We’re excited to welcome Dawex to our 20th cohort of Technology Pioneers. Dawex and its fellow pioneers are developing cutting edge technologies all over the world. Beyond their innovations, these firms are contributing greatly to improving the state of the world.”

Susan Nesbitt, Head of the Global Innovators Community, World Economic Forum
