Dawex advancing the data exchange market
Discover Dawex projects, initiatives & contributions to foster a trustworthy data economy thanks to data exchange
Uplifting the economy thanks to data ecosystems and data spaces
In today's economy, the availability and sharing of data have been identified as one of the key dimensions for leveraging digitization and generating economic well-being in all sectors and for society as a whole. In particular, exchanging data between public and private organizations will create enormous opportunities and address global economic, environmental and social challenges.
Since its inception, Dawex has been committed to delivering cutting-edge data exchange technology to bring the perfect conditions for secure, trustworthy, sovereign and compliant data sharing. Dawex enables organizations to distribute or share data products, with trust, for any business case.
Dawex maintains its engagement in sharing its vision & expertise on the future of data exchanges and ecosystems, actively supporting the comprehensive work many organizations are undertaking to accelerate data circulation for the common good.
Below are some highlights of Dawex activities & actions aimed at creating an impact and moving the market of data exchange forward. In particular at promoting how critical it is for organizations to remain in control of data according to Gaia-X principles, in a context of strong European reindustrialization and in response to the decarbonization challenges of the economy and society at large.
Dawex distinguished Tech Pioneer & Global Innovator by the World Economic Forum
Awarded Tech Pioneer by the World Economic Forum in June 2020, member of the Global Future Council on Data Policy convening 30 of the most relevant and knowledgeable thought leaders on data, and distinguished Global Innovator in 2022, Dawex is an active contributor to the Data Policy work group aiming at unlocking the value of data for all through increased collaboration, policy development and strengthened actions across data ecosystems. As such, Dawex engages with the Forum on major international reports exploring the importance of data exchange and data ecosystems as a response to economic, environmental and societal challenges. Data exchange has also been identified as an integral part of the World Economic Forum Data Policy Transformation Map, mapping the forces that are transforming the data economy.
Dawex sharp vision and recognized expertise on data exchange led it to be invited to speak at the prestigious World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos about “Strengthening Trust in Public-Private Data Exchanges” and the rising importance of creating & developing data ecosystems to address the most pressing issues the world is facing. Dawex latest contribution is a report on Data Free Flow with Trust (DFFT) entitled “From Fragmentation to Coordination: The Case for Establishing an Institutional Mechanism to Ensure the Success of Cross-Border Data Flows”, publication reviewing the progress on cross-border data flows in recent years, and highlighting the importance, challenges and institutional mechanism to secure global free flows of data.
Dawex sharp vision and recognized expertise on data exchange led it to be invited to speak at the prestigious World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos about “Strengthening Trust in Public-Private Data Exchanges” and the rising importance of creating & developing data ecosystems to address the most pressing issues the world is facing. Dawex latest contribution is a report on Data Free Flow with Trust (DFFT) entitled “From Fragmentation to Coordination: The Case for Establishing an Institutional Mechanism to Ensure the Success of Cross-Border Data Flows”, publication reviewing the progress on cross-border data flows in recent years, and highlighting the importance, challenges and institutional mechanism to secure global free flows of data.

Data circulation & cross-border data flows part of the G7 Digital & Tech Ministers agenda
Data Exchange, cross-border data flows, Data Free Flow with Trust… The importance of data circulation in a trustworthy environment to address economic, environmental and social global challenges has been in the G7 Digital & Tech Ministers' top of mind for more than 4 years now, and part of their meeting agenda.
In November 2021, in the UK, Dawex was invited to participate alongside the French Government in one of the G7 Digital & Tech Ministers session entitled “G7 Expert-led Forum on Data Intermediaries to Facilitate Data Sharing”, and more precisely on “Unlocking the value of data: Exploring the role of data intermediaries” and share its expertise on data governance.
In May 2022 at the G7 Digital & Tech Ministers Meeting in Germany, Dawex data exchange technology was referenced in an OECD report presented to the Ministers on cross-border data flows.
In April 2023, in Gunma Japan, Dawex participated in the World Economic Forum on Digital Transformation Conference alongside the G7 Digital & Tech Ministers meeting, and co-contributed to a report shared with the G7 Ministers at this occasion on “From Fragmentation to Coordination: The Case for Establishing an Institutional Mechanism to Ensure the Success of Cross-Border Data Flows”.
Dawex joining the Data Expert Group of the United Nations
Dawex has been invited to join the Data Expert Group of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) & the Data for the Environment Alliance (DEAL) community in order to contribute to the development of the UN Data Strategy for the Environment by 2025.
Dawex will share its expertise on how data exchange, the circulation of data and the creation of data ecosystems & data spaces contribute to addressing the world’s most pressing issues such as climate change, decarbonation, sustainability, deforestation, environmental, economic challenges.
Being invited by the UN to participate in its 2025 Data Strategy on Environment is a recognition of Dawex leadership, of the role and impact Data Exchange plays in today’s economy and for the Planet overall.
OECD report referencing Dawex technology
For the G7 Summit 2022 in Germany, the OECD organization published a report entitled "Cross-border data flows: Taking stock of key policies and initiatives”. The report highlights the importance of facilitating data exchange domestically and internationally in order to accelerate cross-border data flows.
With the objective to advance a common understanding on the progresses in policy and regulatory approaches that leverage the full potential of data for global economic and social prosperity, the report pinpoints JDEX and Dawex Data Exchange technology to illustrate a successful data exchange initiative.

Dawex contributing to and collaborating with the European Institutions
Dawex is a recognized subject-matter expert amongst public institutions in domains covering data exchange, data hubs, data sharing, data marketplaces, data privacy, data valuation and in general the data economy. Dawex is regularly invited by European and international institutions to contribute at events, conferences, roundtables and panel discussions.
Dawex is also participating in European-funded projects and has just been selected to provide its data exchange technology for two European data spaces. Dawex has been engaged in projects such as DOME, CyberSec4Europe and DataPitch.
Additionaly, Dawex technology is following the two new data regulations the European Data Governance Act and the Data Act regarding the access and organization of data exchanges.
Gaia-X, a key success factor for Europe's sovereignty and economy
As a recognized expert in Data Exchange, Dawex actively contributes to the collaborative works of Gaia-X set to structure and define the principles around data exchanges.
Dawex has been supporting Gaia-X as a Day-1 member. Recognized expert in data exchange, Dawex has been invited by Gaia-X to lead the Data Exchange Services Specification Working Group with the purpose to specify data exchange services and define the vocabulary for data exchange, sets the definition of data exchange services as well as conceptual & operational models, data exchange policies and ontologies for data exchange to deliver trust, interoperability, discoverability and traceability to the data economy.
Dawex participated in the works leading to the publication of the Gaia-X Trust Framework, Reference Architecture, and Data Exchange Services Specification, documents marking a real momentum for data exchange and for all organizations.
Dawex Data Exchange technology implements the Gaia-X Trust Framework for a secure and trustworthy data economy, illustrating the maturity of its Data Exchange technology and the power generated by creating data ecosystems.
Trusted Data Transaction pre-strandardization workshop program
In order to accelerate the emergence of data exchange standards, and contribute to the development of trusted and interoperable data exchange ecosystems, Dawex along with German research organization Fraunhofer ISST and Dutch research organization TNO, co-proposed an official European Committee for Standardization workshop program on Trusted Data Transaction relying on the recognized European Committee for Standardization.
The outcomes resulting from the collective work will serve all the use cases where stakeholders need to establish trust for the purpose of data exchange and interconnection of data exchanges.

Dawex engaging with Analyst Research Firms
Thanks to its technology, business and regulatory strong expertise as well as its clear vision on data exchange, Dawex is continually discussing with public & private organizations on data exchange, their needs & strategies. Therefore, Dawex has a clear visibility on the market and the market directions. Dawex is regularly called for briefings by major analyst research firms, as well as positioned as the most mature technology on data exchange. Analysts reports are also now referencing Dawex customers as vertical ecosystem references, demonstrating Dawex leadership, such as IDC who has positioned Gaia-X lighthouse project Agdatahub in its IDC Market Glance - Data as a Service & Data Marketplace - 2023.
Data exchange is now positioned as “essential”, as stated by Gartner in its latest article entitled “Top 10 data and analytics trends”. Gartner analysts identify these trends as fundamental to the way organizations approach their data & analytics strategies, trends seen as to deliver provable value at scale and drive new growth, efficiency, resilience and innovation.

Data Exchange placed in the spotlight by the press
The number of articles talking about the importance of data circulation between public and private organizations to address environmental, climate change, sustainability, decarbonation, economic and social challenges is just skyrocketing. Just as an illustration, data exchange now makes the news on TV with a 10 minute dedicated broadcast on NHK World Japan National News entitled “Japan proposes global safeguards on data exchange”, following the G7 Digital & Tech Ministers meeting in Gunma, Japan.
Dawex contributes to raising in the media how essential it is to create secure data ecosystems in order to distribute or share data in a trusted environment, compliant with data regulations. In 2022, Dawex had 2810 coverage in the media at global level, contributing to raising the topic of the benefits and opportunities of building data ecosystems which have become a fundamental component of business competitiveness and economic sovereignty.