20 November 2018 - 1 min read

40th edition of JIQ: Dawex invited as speaker

40th edition of JIQ: Dawex invited as speaker

For the past forty years, JIQ has been the major gathering for the business and IT (Information Technologies) community in Canada.

The attendance record was broken this year, with 1,700 people participating in nearly 20 conferences and training workshops. One of the conferences featured Fabrice Tocco who spoke about the strategic stakes that sharing and monetizing data represents for companies.

The Dawex co-founder and CEO offered insight about the undeniable emergence of the data economy. Pushed by successive waves of innovation in the fields of Cloud Computing, Big Data, Internet of Things (IoT), and artificial intelligence, companies today consume increasing amounts of data while producing just as much.

Companies now consider data as an asset that can be used to generate value. They see the opportunity to share or monetize data with other business stakeholders. The supply and demand structure in this sector is taking shape, while creating a market that is a source of both growth and innovation.

As an expert in this fast-growing new market, Dawex's CEO presented the major industry trends with respect to data monetization. His talk also covered important issues such as personal data protection, licensing, pricing, security, and regulatory compliance.

Lastly, the audience was able to better understand the concrete mechanisms in the data market sector thanks to a demonstration of real case studies featuring organizations that implemented innovative approaches to promote their companies' data assets effectively.

Fabrice Tocco presented Dawex's observations about the growing data marketplace, now with over 5,000 companies.