10 July 2017 - 2 min read

Data movement: a priority for Europe in 2017

Data circulation: a priority for the Estonian Presidency of the European Union Council

During its presidency of the EU Council, Estonia published a Vision Paper promoting the free movement of data. The paper proposes that the "Free movement of Data" should become the fifth freedom of the European Union, mentioning Dawex as being one of the “existing players in the field of user-centric personal data processing.”

The authors add that “Trusted intermediaries could, in the future, play an important role in the practical implementation phase of access and portability rights for personal data.”

A roadmap for digital

Estonia is one of Europe's most advanced countries in terms of digital innovation. Further, it has defined a roadmap to make Europe a single market adapted to the digital age. The roadmap describes Estonia's main objectives:

  • Re-use of data, a "major challenge for the EU", according to Urve Palo, the Estonian Minister of Entrepreneurship and Information Technologies.
  • The free movement of data by finding the "right balance between sharing data and data privacy" as well as answers to questions of ownership, transfer, availability, and portability of data, which will enable expanding the B2B sharing culture.

Dawex stands up to all these challenges

Dawex has given all companies in Europe, regardless of their size or current level of expertise with respect to data, the opportunity to participate in this soon-to-be indispensable market. Dawex fully adheres to the objectives set by the European Council:

Helping to implement a new data framework

The Dawex platform provides a secure and easy means, in compliance with regulations, that enables all companies to access the data economy and enjoy its benefits. Transactions on Dawex for information containing personal data respects the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) by ensuring that users respect the law when creating data offerings on the site.

Activating data re-use by eliminating restrictions on data localization

By enabling data exchange to take place around the world, eliminating silos between buyers and sellers, Dawex supports the objective of the EU's new data protection framework directly.

With licenses granted on the platform from sellers to buyers, data can be re-used according to the terms defined by each individual data seller. Dawex thus makes it possible to eliminate restrictions on data localization, as recommended by the European Union:

"The removal of data localization restrictions could generate by itself up to €8 billion per year. It would also encourage a more efficient use of IT resources that could contribute to the reduction of energy consumption and carbon emissions by a net 30% or more." - European Commissioner Mariya Gabriel, in charge of Digital Economy and Society

Enabling real-time data exchange, including IoT data

IoT data is revolutionizing the data economy and is becoming an asset of very high value that companies of all kinds can leverage.

By enabling data exchange via APIs, Dawex takes up the challenge raised by European Commissioner Andrus Ansip of Estonia in the context of single market strategy for the European Union. By focusing on the role of APIs, companies and organizations can access the most innovative and pertinent data in real-time.

The Estonian Presidency of the Council of the European Union expresses its philosophy in the motto, "Unity through balance." Dawex can only applaud the commitment and avant-garde vision of Estonia, a country that is deeply involved with the future of the data economy.

Source : "Estonian Vision Paper on the Free Movement of Data - the Fifth Freedom of the European Union"